- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (doi: 10.1109/TSMC.2019.2922153), "A Declarative Approach for Transforming SysML Models to Executable Simulation Models", George-Dimitrios Kapos, Anargyros Tsadimas, Christos Kotronis, Vassilis Dalakas, Mara Nikolaidou, and Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos (2-year impact factor 2018: 5.131)
- INCOSE Systems Engineering, 2019; 1– 18 (, "Employing SysML to Model and Explore Levels-of-Service: The Case of Passenger Comfort in Railway Transportation Systems", Christos Kotronis, Mara Nikolaidou, George-Dimitrios Kapos, Anargyros Tsadimas, Vassilis Dalakas, and Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos (impact factor 2018: 0.797)
- Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (SIMPAT), Elsevier, Volume 66, August 2016, pages 243-259, "Simulating Simulation-Agnostic SysML Models for Enterprise Information Systems via DEVS", A. Tsadimas, G.-D. Kapos, V. Dalakas, M. Nikolaidou, D. Anagnostopoulos (5-year impact factor 2014: 1.421)
- Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal, July 2016, 5(4), 49-56, "Challenges in SysML Model Simulation", Mara Nikolaidou, George-Dimitrios Kapos, Anargyros Tsadimas, Vassilis Dalakas and Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos (Google-based Impact Factor: 1.19)
- SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International, SAGE Publications, Volume 90, Issue 6, June 2014, pages 717-744, “An Integrated Framework for Automated Simulation of SysML Models using DEVS”, G.-D. Kapos, V. Dalakas, M. Nikolaidou, D. Anagnostopoulos (Impact factor 2014/2015: 0.818)
- International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, World Scientific, Vol. 11, No. 1 (March 2002), pages 63–94, "Agents for Querying Distributed Statistical Databases over the Internet", S. McClean, I. Karali, B. Scotney, K. Greer, G.-D. Kapos, R. Pairceir, J. Hong, D. Bell, M. Hatzopoulos
Book Chapters
- Casas, Pau Fonseca i. "Formal Languages for Computer Simulation: Transdisciplinary Models and Applications." IGI Global, 2014. 1-458. Web. 1 Jul. 2013, Chapter “10. An Integrated Framework to Simulate SysML Models Using DEVS Simulators”, G.-D. Kapos, V. Dalakas, M. Nikolaidou, D. Anagnostopoulos, (pages 305-332)
Conferences / Workshops
- IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (IEEE ISSE 2019), Edimburgh, Scotland, UK, 1-3 October 2019, “Interface Management with Closed-Loop Systems Engineering (CLOSE)”, Marco Di Maio, Martin Hoppe, George-Dimitrios Kapos, Linus Atorf, Ulrich Dahmen, Michael Schluse, Juergen Rossmann
- IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (IEEE ISSE 2018), Rome, Italy, 1-3 October 2018, “Closed-Loop Systems Engineering (CLOSE): Integrating Experimentable Digital Twins with the Model-Driven Engineering Process”, M. Di Maio, G.-D. Kapos, N. Klusmann, L. Atorf, U. Dahmen, M. Schluse, J. Rossmann
- 12th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (ΙΕΕΕ SysCon 2018), Vancouver, Canada, 23-26 April 2018, “Exploring LoS in Railway Transportation Systems using SysML”, Christos Kotronis, Mara Nikolaidou, Anargyros Tsadimas, George Dimitrios Kapos, Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos
- IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2016), Budapest, Hungary, 9-12 October 2016, “Simulating SysML Transportation Models”, Christos Kotronis, Anargyros Tsadimas, George-Dimitrios Kapos, Vassilis Dalakas, Mara Nikolaidou, Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos
- IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (IEEE ISSE 2016), Edinburgh, Scotland, 4-5 October 2016, “Reducing the Cost and Complexity of Variant Exploration with MBSE & LSP”, C. Allen, M. Di Maio, G.-D. Kapos, N. Klusmann
- IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (IEEE ISSE 2016), Edinburgh, Scotland, 4-5 October 2016, “MDDP: A Pragmatic Approach to Managing Complex and Complicated MBSE Models”, C. Allen, M. Di Maio, G.-D. Kapos, N. Klusmann
- 11th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (IEEE SoSE 2016), Kongsberg, Norway, 12-16 June 2016, “Challenges in the Modelling of Design Alternatives with MBSE”, M. Di Maio, G.-D. Kapos, N. Klusmann, C. Allen
- 10th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (IEEE SoSE 2015), San Antonio, TX, USA, 17-20 May 2015, “Simulating SysML Models: Overview and Challenges”, M. Nikolaidou, G.-D. Kapos, A. Tsadimas, V. Dalakas and D. Anagnostopoulos
- 9th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (IEEE RCIS 2015), Athens, Greece, 13-15 May 2015, “Enabling System Models Automated Evaluation through Cross-Concept Information Utilization”, G.-D. Kapos
- IEEE 9th International System of Systems Engineering Conference (IEEE SoSE 2014), Adelide, Australia, 9-13 June 2014, “Integrating Simulation Capabilities into SysML for Enterprise Information System Design”, A. Tsadimas, G.-D. Kapos, V. Dalakas, M. Nikolaidou, D. Anagnostopoulos
- 8th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (ΙΕΕΕ SysCon 2014), Ottawa, Canada, 31 March-3 April 2014, “Model-based System Engineering using SysML: Deriving Executable Simulation Models with QVT” (Best Student Paper Award - Honorable Mention), G.-D. Kapos, V. Dalakas, A. Tsadimas, M. Nikolaidou, D. Anagnostopoulos
- 7th International Conference on Systems of Systems Engineering (IEEE SOSE 2012), Genova, Italy, 16-19 July 2012, “Basic Guidelines for Simulating SysML Models: An Experience Report”, M. Nikolaidou, G.-D. Kapos, V. Dalakas, D. Anagnostopoulos
- Third International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2008), Sliema, Malta, 26-31 October 2008, "A SysML Profile for Classical DEVS Simulators", M. Nikolaidou, V. Dalakas, L. Mitsi, G.-D. Kapos, D. Anagnostopoulos
- 16th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 9-11 July 2007, "A UML2.0 profile for DEVS: Providing code generation capabilities for simulation", M. Nikolaidou, V. Dalakas, G.-D. Kapos, L. Mitsi, D. Anagnostopoulos
- 15th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Engineering (SEDE 2006), Los Angeles, California, USA, 6-8 July 2006, "Establishing a Common Modeling Framework using UML to Effectively Support Faster-Than-Real-Time Simulation" (Best Paper Award), M. Nikolaidou, V. Dalakas, D. Anagnostopoulos, G.-D. Kapos
- Winter Simulation Conference 2005, Orlando, USA, 4-7 December 2005, "Introducing a UML model for faster-than-real-time simulation", D. Anagnostopoulos, G.-D. Kapos, V. Dalakas, M. Nikolaidou
- IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2004, 6-9 October 2004, Madrid, Spain, “HERMES: A WEB-BASED GENERIC CSCW PLATFORM”, G.-D. Kapos, A. Tsalgatidou, M. Nikolaidou
- 17th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems PDCS-2004, 15-17 September 2004, San Francisco, U.S.A., “A WEB SERVICE-BASED PLATFORM FOR CSCW OVER HETEROGENEOUS END-USER APPLICATIONS”, G.-D. Kapos, A. Tsalgatidou, M. Nikolaidou
- 5th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Special Session: Modeling and Simulation of Object Based Software Systems, 6-10 September 2004, Paris, France, "An RT-UML model for building Faster-than-Real-Time-Simulators", D. Anagnostopoulos, V. Dalakas, G.-D. Kapos, Μ. Νικολαΐδου
- 5th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web 2004), 30 August-3 September 2004, Saragosa, Spain, "Seamless Federation of Heterogeneous Service Registries", T. Pilioura, G.-D. Kapos, A. Tsalgatidou
- CAISE 2004 Forum, June 2004, Riga, Latvia, “A Scalable Infrastructure for Unified Publication and Discovery in Heterogeneous Service Registries”, T. Pilioura, G.-D. Kapos, A. Tsalgatidou
- 14th International Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering (RIDE WS-ECEG'2004), 28-29 March 2004, Boston, U.S.A., "PYRAMID-S: A Scalable Infrastructure for Semantic Web Service Publication and Discovery", T. Pilioura, G.-D. Kapos, A. Tsalgatidou
- EKAW'02 Workshop on Ontologies for Multi-Agent Systems, 30 September 2002, Siguenza, Spain, "Agent-based query processing of heterogeneous distributed statistical data via an ontology server", S. McClean, I. Karali, B.Scotney, K. Greer, G.-D. Kapos, R. Pairceir, J. Hong, D. Bell, M. Hatzopoulos
- IEEE Workshop on Future Trends in Distributed Computing Systems, 20 - 22 December 1999, Cape Town, South Africa, "Distributed Information Systems Tailorability: A Component Approach", D. Theotolkis, G.-D. Kapos, C. Vasilakis, A. Sotiropoulou, G. Giftodimos
- Panhellenic Information Technology Conference, 26-29 August 1999, Ioannina, Greece, "Designing Tailorable Information Systems Using a Component Focused Role Model (CFRM)", N. Dragios, G.-D. Kapos, S. Mantzouranis, D. Theotolkis, G. Giftodimos